Luis Baldomero-Quintana

Professional Bio. I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at William & Mary, and an Affiliate to the Global Research Institute. I received my Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Michigan. 

Research agenda: I work on international trade and urban economics. My agenda on international trade focuses on structural transformation, growth, and economic geography. My urban economics agenda relates to sorting, segregation, and inequality. 

In my research, I consider both structural modeling and applied microeconomics approaches. I use administrative and historical data from developing and developed nations

About me. I was raised in Northern Mexico during a NAFTA economic boom. I like to read about history, how globalization impacts cultural trends, urban design, music, and how sports events shape society. I lift weights and attend comedy shows during my free time. I love Mexican, Peruvian, and U.S. Southern food. 

Contact: luisbaldomero [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com  

CV: Link